Literary Orphans

The Tenth Labor
by Forester McClatchey


The spanning rope snaps in two

Over mist and vines, the rift

Between what one strives to say

And what vibrates.


There occurs a sudden desertion,

A theophany of self-denial.

I do not exist, child, hands behind your head.

Anything you say can and will


Pole you to the middle of the river,

Oarless and drifting,

Sifting and hapless

Against your own swaying tongue.


Thoughts die as they are revealed,

Withering on the tundra of utterance.


Read me aloud.
I do not exist, child, turn the page.

My scaffolding crumbles

As I squirm up your throat,


Lines break, cadence slides,

Tumbles, gallops to the cave mouth


And all that work dissolves in your saliva,

Drips off your tongue.


Take me in your eyes and

Disgorge me, ideal reader.


All I ask in return is this:

Speak to me afterwards.

O Typekey Divider

Forester McClatchey is an artist and writer currently marooned in lower Michigan where he attends Hillsdale College, and he will do anything for a team of sled-dogs to get south again.  His artwork and poetry have appeared in various publications including the Tower Light and Spires magazine. He is an aspiring paleontologist, a student of early Slavic history, and a fledgling rapper.


O Typekey Divider

–Art by Natalia Drepina

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