Literary Orphans

Katie’s Story by Jake Rosenberg


She stepped into winter’s velvet wood and

I didn’t think she would ever come out.

I was seven and my mother stayed

up late drinking Jim Beam and gin.


I had a terrible dream that night.

I dreamt of the world ending.

I was in my house but everyone

was gone. My father had vanished

from the basement, and I saw my

mother walking a half mile down

the road. I called to her, but she

didn’t respond. She tripped over

her shadow and disappeared

without saying goodbye.


They found her wandering alone,

but that was all I had heard. I went

back to bed—I didn’t care anymore.


I slept in my head until

the police arrived.

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Jake Rosenberg is a recent graduate of Wesleyan University, and his work has previously appeared in the Eunoia Review and the Sucarnochee Review. He currently resides in New Haven with his fiancee and his cat.

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–Foreground Art by J Stimp

–Background Art by Thomas H

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