Literary Orphans

Mario Mencacci – Artist Profile

mario-mIn storytelling, one of the hardest things to achieve is humor and comedy.  In comedy, the punchline is just as important as the setup and “comedic timing” is the subtle texture of all classic farce.
Mario Mencacci’s body of work can best be described as a delightful collection of his impeccable sense of comedic timing with everyday life.  Lighthearted, yet thought provoking, his photographs often have hidden surprises that hold your attention and often deserve a second and third look to make sure you’ve caught everything!

We go through much of our lives in a rush, but every once in a while, when we tune our senses outward and truly look at the choreography going on between people and objects incredible things happen.  It is in this time and space that Mario Mencacci dwells.  His  photographs are carefully composed moments in time.  Chance occurances where the elements and the artist all happen to be in the right place at the right time to capture them forever.

His work is truly original and his voice unique.  In each of his images, the world is a setup and humanity is the punchline of each comedy.  His body of work illustrates his attention to form and his mastery of design.

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Many many thanks to Mario for his patience working with us, and allowing us to feature his amazing work–be sure to add him on his Facebook site!  Also check him out on deviantART. And of course, be sure to visit his website!

Please be sure to check out the interview Mario did with Literary Orphans, to get a look into his creative and remarkable mind!


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