Literary Orphans

Dia Takácsová – Artist Profile

d39b26f7e1dce3e4181345ef6ef3b111-d5kmoimDia Takácsová

Each photograph in Dia’s body of work is so thoughtful.  It’s hard not to view the subjects of her images without also relishing in the empty spaces.  The expansive sky or snow field allow the viewer precious room to revolve around the figure in inspired contemplation.  It’s hard not to take note of the subtle surrealism in her portfolio.  One of the many themes Dia explores in her work is that of solitude and each quiet figure grapples with this theme in their own haunting way in tandem with many of the characters and stories in this issue.

While each of her photographs is unique, the gallery as a whole is quite unified and her perspective and careful hand are always there to guide the viewer’s eye through each composition.  Many of her subjects, while beautiful and original individuals are all unified (as we all are) in searching for their own voice in the world.  The raw and magical beauty of nature is a recurring setting in Dia’s photographs, and while she is an artist residing and studying in Slovakia, the desire to escape to nature and the human need to balance with it are universal and timeless quandaries that are beautifully explored and appreciated in her work.

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We are ecstatic to feature so many of Takácsová’s photos with our readers in this edition of Literary Orphans and encourage everyone to become followers of her work. To see more of her portfolio or contact her professionally, please visit Dia’s official photography website, deviantART, or Facebook page.


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