Literary Orphans

tropical depressions: 3 poems
by W.M. Butler


my drug dealer’s chihuahua

i will introduce you to my drug dealer’s chihuahua


buy you cocaine

cut your lines

pour your jack and coke

buy you all the flowers

because of a promise i made to a little kid


i will hold your hand on the boat


i will hit you in the face with a champagne bottle and you will laugh


i will make them call you my wife

even though you are someone else’s wife

even though you will never be my wife.


O Typekey Divider


warm beer and malaria

old man you die in new ways each day

you leave a trail of pretty girls in your wake


they break brittle and bleak

hypothermic blue in blizzards

of bleach blonde murder sprees


when you sneeze

they weep their years

shed their memories

like an elephant stampede


you do not forget

they do not forgive


the air that you breathe is weak in the knees




you preach some queer trapeze language

you languish in the tropics

sustained by warm beer and malaria.


O Typekey Divider



there was a time

when we didn’t care

about equality or brevity

or about anybody but ourselves

we forgot how to be selfish

in harmless ways

forgot how to fuck in hallways


like stupid birds our plans

stay buried in history


incomplete fossil records

of my cock in your hand

choked to death

by your wedding band

collect dust with two headed babies

in jars on some dusty shelf

in another country

where they speak pidgin

with hot wet mouths.

O Typekey Divider

W.M. Butler is the Editor-in-Chief of H.A.L. Publishing and co-founder of online journal, Far Enough East. His work has appeared most recently online at Unshod Quills and Cease, Cows. Butler’s work in print can be found in the short story anthology, Party Like it’s 1984 and will appear in the upcoming United Verses, an anthology of English/Chinese poetry in translation.


O Typekey Divider

–Art by Denis Olivier

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