Literary Orphans

Peter Lamata – Artist Profile


Peter Lamata is starting a whole new thing of his own–surrealist street photography. But before we get to that, let me first explain his roots. Much of Lamata’s early work is rooted in classic, expertly done snapshots. Ranging from eerie to romantic, all are spellbinding. What drew us particularly to Lamata, was his ability to capture a sense of place on the micro-level. We see hills rising above plains in the fog, men fishing in murky ponds–and one cannot help but feel the story of that place; the people who sat atop that hill and the fishers who grew up on those banks. Lamata was not content to stop there, however–and in some of his recent work, we have been privy to see some amazing surrealist aspect creeping in. Below, you can see one of our favorite, used in Shannon Barber’s piece–a woman walking across a cobblestone square, yet her face is replaced with an alarm clock. The grind of the routine, the stretching of the shadows–Lamata instantly takes us to a punch-in/punch-out modern nightmare. Are we, too, faceless entities shackled to the 9-to-5?

Please be sure to check out Peter’s official site and portfolios below.

Follow him on Facebook, you will want to see what this innovative craftsman does next.

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We are honored to include many of Lamata’s surreal photographic art with our readers in this edition of Literary Orphans and encourage everyone to become followers of his work online.  To see more of his portfolio or contact his professionally, please visit his official photography website, his deviantART profile, or Facebook page.

Lamata was also kind enough to answer a few questions regarding his photography and inspiration, which you can read here, in his interview with Literary Orphans.


“I love the stillness of the image of time – it makes me feel that things happen the way they should.” – Peter Lamata

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