Literary Orphans

River by Will Hollis


What about the river? It will be there

and it will be there and he will pull from it

and unbend himself like a sunflower

and there will be a fish on him. A cow


bloated black with gasses

and decay, tail sticking up grey like a flag will float by.

The middle of the current will grow on it. Where will the

river be? It will not see him and he will take


the fish away and the cow will float with the logs

or churn with the riverweed and schooling catfish

gnawing at the mud like beavers. And the beavers

will gnaw too; and the river will be silent and he will


bathe the fish in the tub despite the poison.

A barge will break waves with stolen iron, moonshine rock

slip down the waterhighway like a drained tub.

What will be downriver?


He will get closer to the cow.

It will have died over a week before.

It will be the only scent he will remember.

River currents will shove and inflate it

down to the dam. The gasses will bubble


like a gurgle as it plies the shipping lane

of barges. The black hair will be replaced.

Though he will try to look away the balloon will

be replaced, replaced by sandbars,


and they will rise with silt and pebbles,

and there will be roots of ownership

stretching from Kentucky and Ohio

under the river. And the river will seem


very insignificant and for a moment a lie

he will tell to the cow about unbending men

who disbelieve the EPA and come to steal fish anyway.

The cow will almost remind him of other cows.

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Will Hollis is from Cincinnati, and a MFA candidate at Western Kentucky University.  He’s an alumnus of the Kentucky Governor’s School for the Arts (2006), a Creative Writing Assistant for GSA (2016), a Scholastic American Voices Recipient (2007), has been a reader for Steel Toe Books, and an editor of Lavender Bluegrass, LGBT Writers on the South (2015).


O Typekey Divider

–Art by Ashley Holloway

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